Egg Biryani
My husband has been behind me to make Egg biryani since the last few weeks. Somehow it just was not happening. Something or the other would crop up and we would get busy over the weekend, thus postponing making this recipe. This weekend, with a puppy face he made me to swear that I would make it for him. I couldn't refuse him so I planned to make this a Sunday meal.
In my growing years, my neighbors who were Maharastrians made the most amazing Egg biryani I had ever had. They would either always invite me and my brother over to enjoy it or send us a generous serving at home. This was a Sunday event mostly.
My mom was a pure vegetarian, she never touched an egg all her life, however we and our dad would enjoy this yummy dish together. It was in fact our dad who first introduced the egg to us. Like some Tam Brahm homes, we had separate utensils to cook egg which my mom ensured remained so. Fun days!
Today while making this dish, it bought back many happy childhood memories of those hot afternoons where as a family we would enjoy a meal. It surely was an eerie coincidence that it is Father's Day today, hence I dedicate this dish to my Hero - My dad. Although I made this today for my other Hero - My Husband! :)
This dish today was even more special because I used some home grown cilantro for garnishing. I know it may sound silly, but I thought this cilantro was more flavorful than the ones from the store. :)